Several things to avoid flushing down a toilet

There are several things you should avoid flushing down a toilet to prevent clogs, plumbing issues, and environmental harm. Here’s a list of common items and the reasons why they should never go down the toilet:
Wet Wipes (even “flushable” ones)
These do not break down like toilet paper and can cause severe clogs in pipes and municipal sewer systems. They can also contribute to “fatbergs” (large masses of congealed waste and debris) in the sewer system.
Paper Towels
Like wet wipes, paper towels are much thicker and stronger than toilet paper, so they don’t break down easily in water, leading to blockages.
Feminine Hygiene Products
Items like tampons, pads, and liners are designed to absorb moisture, making them difficult to break down in pipes. They can cause clogs and other plumbing issues.
Cotton swabs are small, but they don’t dissolve in water and can easily cause blockages in plumbing.
Hair can wrap around pipes and accumulate over time, leading to clogs in your plumbing.
Like feminine products, diapers are designed to absorb moisture and expand, making them a major hazard to plumbing when flushed.
Dental Floss
Dental floss doesn’t biodegrade, and it can become tangled in pipes or sewer systems, causing blockages.
Flushing old medications down the toilet can contaminate water supplies and harm aquatic life. It’s better to follow proper disposal methods for pharmaceuticals.
Cooking Grease or Oil
While not typically something you’d flush, it’s important to note that grease and oils can solidify in pipes, leading to clogs. These should be disposed of properly, not in your toilet.
Cigarette Butts
They can cause clogs and pollute water systems with harmful chemicals, so they should be disposed of in the trash instead.
Plastic or Non-Biodegradable Items
Anything made from plastic, such as packaging, wrappers, or small toys, can clog pipes and pollute the environment, as they don’t break down in water.
To ensure your plumbing works properly and to protect the environment, it’s always best to dispose of these items in the trash, not the toilet!